Proven and Newly Developed Pharmaceuticals Against Cancer.
JEmedis has many years of experience and expertise in the field of oncology.
A testament to this is the distribution of our chemotherapy drug for the treatment of bladder cancer and the development of a further product to treat the disease on which we are currently working.

JEmedis. Against Cancer.
Bladder carcinoma is considered the fifth most common malignant tumour in humans. Men are at around three times the risk of developing bladder cancer than women.
In Germany, bladder cancer is the fourth most common tumour in men and the twelfth most common in women. Around 16,000 new cases occur in Germany every year.
The main causes of bladder cancer are chronic inflammation and tobacco consumption.
Our Therapeutic Approach.
Chemotherapy drugs are essential for the treatment of tumours. For example, Doxorubicin is recommended for the treatment of bladder cancer.
If possible, initial treatment should take place within the first 24 hours after the operation. Patients with an increased risk of recurrence of the disease usually receive intensive treatment over several months.
JEmedis offers medicine developed for this purpose with a special application set.
New Therapeutics.
JEmedis has made it its mission to provide the most optimal support to patients and treating doctors. Our therapy concepts and products are aimed at this purpose.
This not only makes us very proud, it also serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for us to develop further products.
Innovative Active Ingredient Development at JEmedis.
JEmedis is developing another product to prevent the recurrence of superficial bladder cancer. The now, unfortunately, frequent lack of active ingredients in the treatment of many diseases also affects that of bladder cancer. We are confident that the product we are currently developing will make an effective contribution to closing this supply gap.